Application of CreatSense Seam Tracking Sensor in Automatic Welding of I-Beams

Application of CreatSense Seam Tracking Sensor in Automatic Welding of I-Beams
21 Apr 2023

With the advancement of industrialization,I-beams,as a major building material in the fields of construction,bridges,and light rail,have a broad application prospect.However,automatic welding of I-beams faces some defects and challenges in practice.This article will introduce the application of seam tracking sensor technology in automatic welding of I-beams to solve welding defects and challenges. I.Application Prospect of I-Beams I-beams are a common structural steel material with the advantages of light weight,high strength,earthquake resistance,and corrosion resistance.They have wide applications in fields such as construction,bridges,and light rail.With the acceleration of urbanization and the continuous promotion of infrastructure construction,the demand for I-beams has been increasing year by year. II.Defects and Challenges of Automatic Welding of I-Beams Compared with manual welding,automatic welding of I-beams has the advantages of high efficiency,low cost,and stable quality,but also has some defects and challenges.Firstly,due to the complexity of the welding environment,it is difficult to ensure the quality of the weld during the welding process.Secondly,due to the diverse shapes of I-beams,it is difficult to locate the welding position and ensure the accuracy of the weld position.In addition,pollutants such as oxide layers on the surface of I-beams can affect the quality of the welding. III.Seam Tracking System Solution To solve the defects and challenges in automatic welding of I-beams,we can use a seam tracking system,which can accurately grasp and track the welding position through vision sensors and machine learning algorithms to ensure the welding quality.Specifically,the seam tracking system can automatically track the weld by monitoring the real-time position,shape,and size of the welding seam of the I-beam,avoiding the occurrence of welding position deviation. IV.Advantages of CreatSense Seam Tracking Sensor Technology The CreatSense seam tracking sensor is a vision recognition-based seam tracking sensor with the following technical advantages: High precision:The sensor uses high-precision vision recognition algorithms to accuratel

Welding robot laser seam tracking system working process

Welding robot laser seam tracking system working process
18 Apr 2023

The welding robot laser seam tracking system is a kind of automatic welding system that uses a laser to scan the welding seam and a vision sensor to track the position of the seam in real-time. This system can greatly improve the welding quality and efficiency, reduce the labor cost, and ensure the safety of workers. In this article, we will introduce the working process of the welding robot laser seam tracking system. II. Components of the system The welding robot laser seam tracking system consists of a laser welding head, a vision sensor, a processor, a controller, and a robot. Laser welding head The laser welding head is used to emit a laser beam to scan the welding seam. The laser beam is reflected by a beam reflector and then received by a photodiode to form a signal. The signal is processed by the processor and converted into a digital signal, which is then transmitted to the controller. Vision sensor The vision sensor is used to measure the position of the welding seam before the robot operation, and to continuously monitor the position of the welding seam during the operation. The data is then sent to the controller in real-time. Processor The processor is used to integrate the data from the laser welding head and the vision sensor, and send the data to the robot. The controller can also adjust and optimize the system based on the feedback information from the robot operation, so as to improve the welding quality and efficiency. Controller The controller is the core of the entire system, which integrates the data from the laser welding head and the vision sensor, and sends the data to the robot. The robot performs the welding operation based on the data sent by the controller. The controller can also adjust and optimize the system based on the feedback information from the robot operation, so as to improve the welding quality and efficiency. Robot The robot is used to perform the welding operation based on the data sent by the controller. III. Working process The working process of the welding robot laser seam tracking system includes seam detection, laser scanning, seam tracking, system control, and system stop. Seam detection The vis

The laser sensing-based welding robot seam finding and tracking technology

The laser sensing-based welding robot seam finding and tracking technology
13 Apr 2023

In today's industrial production process,welding technology is widely used in various fields.However,traditional welding technology has some drawbacks such as slow operation speed,sensitivity to external factors such as light and temperature,which makes it difficult to meet the high-precision and high-efficiency welding requirements.The laser sensing-based welding robot seam finding and tracking technology can overcome these drawbacks and achieve high-precision and high-efficiency welding operations. The laser sensing-based welding robot seam finding and tracking technology is an emerging measurement technology that can be used on welding production lines.In automotive welding production lines,laser sensors can be installed at the end of welding robots or welding guns to achieve real-time scanning of the workpiece surface during the welding process.At the same time,the laser sensor can transmit data to the welding robot control system through an interface,realizing the calculation and control of weld positioning and weld tracking algorithms.This can ensure accurate seam finding and tracking and thus ensure welding quality.This article will introduce the principles,advantages,and applications of this technology. Technology principles: The laser sensing-based welding robot seam finding and tracking technology is a process that uses laser sensors to scan the surface of the workpiece to obtain the shape and position information of the workpiece surface and thus achieve seam finding and tracking.Specifically,the technology consists of the following steps: The laser sensor scans the workpiece surface to obtain the shape and position information of the workpiece surface. The seam finding algorithm calculates the position and direction of the seam according to the shape and position information of the workpiece surface. The seam tracking algorithm controls the welding robot to perform welding operations according to the position and direction of the seam. Advantages of the technology: On welding production lines,laser sensing-based welding robot seam finding and tracking

Differences between Welding Seam Tracking and Seam Finding

Differences between Welding Seam Tracking and Seam Finding
30 Mar 2023

Seam tracking and seam finding are two distinct function used in welding automation. While both functions are important for optimizing the efficiency and quality of welding processes, they serve different purposes and rely on different technologies. Seam finding, also known as seam sensing, is a process of detecting the location and orientation of a seam on a workpiece before the welding process begins. This is typically achieved through the use of sensors and software programs that guide the welding torch to the precise location of the seam. The purpose of seam finding is to ensure that the weld is applied precisely to the joint, which is critical for ensuring the strength and integrity of the weld. In addition, seam finding helps to reduce the likelihood of defects such as undercuts, overfills, and burn-through. There are several methods of seam finding, including tactile sensing, wire sensing, and laser sensing. Tactile sensing involves physically touching the surface of the workpiece with a wire or nozzle to detect the seam. This method is simple and reliable, but it is slower than other methods and is limited in its ability to detect joint gaps. Wire sensing is similar to tactile sensing, but it uses a servo motor to move the wire up and down rapidly while the robot moves across the workpiece. This method can detect butt joints that are difficult to find with static wire or nozzle touch sensing, but it requires specific hardware and software. Laser sensing is faster than tactile sensing and can detect seams down to 1/16” thick, but it is limited in its ability to detect joint gaps and cannot find square butt joints. Seam tracking, on the other hand, is a process of following the path of the seam during the welding process. This is accomplished through the use of sensors and software programs that guide the welding torch along the seam in real-time. The purpose of seam tracking is to ensure that the weld is applied precisely to the joint, even if there are variations in the position or shape of the seam. This is important for ensuring that the weld is strong and consistent, even if the workpiece is subject to thermal expansion or other factors that can cause

Zero Programming Fan welding Seam Tracking System

Zero Programming Fan welding Seam Tracking System
25 Nov 2022

Applicable Products Mainly used for (axial-centrifugal) fan blade welding Fans are mainly divided into two types: axial flow and centrifugal. With the continuous upgrading of industrial products and the rapid development of high-tech industries, centrifugal fans and axial fans are more and more widely used in industrial products for heat dissipation. The principle of centrifugal fans: airflow The air flows into the rotating blade passage in the axial direction, is thrown to the outer edge of the impeller under the action of centrifugal force, and is discharged from the air outlet. The principle of the axial flow fan: the gas enters the rotating impeller axially, is pressurized, and then is discharged axially from the other side. The large number of applications of fans has accelerated the process of fan welding automation, but the efficiency or quality of mainstream positioning tracking welding is not satisfactory. If the positioning method is used, it may be necessary to search for multiple points due to the influence of the radian of the fan blades. Welding can be carried out only when the location is located, and the cycle of location-seeking welding time will also be relatively long. If the tracking method is used, it is difficult to teach and debug more interference, and the tracking of solder joints is not stable. Its one welding cycle and the final effect cannot meet the customer's requirements.   System Composition Sensor Parameters Video Case Name/Model CXZK-JXB300LS Optical size   Z1 Near view field(mm) 240 Recommended installation distance (mm) 300 Z2 Far view field(mm) 360 A-Near plane view field (mm) 36 Center view field of(horizontal)(mm) 45 B-Far plane view field(mm) 54 Average depth resolution(mm) 0.265 Average width resolution(mm) 0.0504 Communication interface Ethernet/RS485 Support segment parameters 103 Output sample rate(Hz) 33 Operate temperature (℃) -10 ~ 65 Power(W) 4

Weld Seam Tracking Products for Home Appliance Industry - Coaxial Vision System

Weld Seam Tracking Products for Home Appliance Industry - Coaxial Vision System
13 May 2022

5.2.1 Weld Seam Tracking Products for Home Appliance Industry - Coaxial Vision System 1. Introduction of the laser welding process The laser welding process is a modern welding method. Compared with traditional welding methods, laser welding has many characteristics, such as less deformation of the welded workpiece, higher welding depth and width, and smaller heat affected area. In addition, the laser welding process will not be affected by the magnetic field, will not be completely limited to the working environment of conductive materials and vacuum, and will not generate a large amount of X-rays during the working process. It is precisely because of the above advantages that the laser welding process plays a very important role in the automobile manufacturing industry, the welding of aluminum alloy and magnesium alloy materials, the plastic processing industry, the shipbuilding industry and other fields. Significantly improve industrial efficiency and product and service quality.   2. Status and Welding Problems Every industry has its limitations, and so does laser welding technology; According to the data collection and analysis of the laser welding industry we have collected, due to the thin materials used in this industry, the high sealing requirements and the narrow welding bead, manual manual welding basically cannot meet the welding requirements of the workpiece, mainly relying on automatic welding equipment for welding. ; However, in the process of automated production, due to the workpiece blanking and assembly, tooling, etc., the consistency of the welding seam position is deviated, and the manual point-to-point efficiency is low. Therefore, the customer hopes to have a set of equipment to realize the real-time deviation correction of the welding process and guide the welding torch. Welding, improve work efficiency and reduce product scrap rate.   3. Solutions after install welding seam tracking The commonly used laser vision seam tracker has problems such as large installation interference and low detection accuracy, and it is not suitable for imposition welding. Laser welding welding industry. (1)Working principle The weld

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